My Story


Hello All… My name is Nichole Bell, Owner of Sifted Wheat Promotions, LLC. I was born in Chicago, and I currently reside in the Tri-Cities.

You may recognize me from FacebookInstagram, or other Social platforms and maybe we’ve even crossed paths in the drive-thru at McDonald’s, OR not at all…

These days, most people use a blog solely to catalog extensive lists of their businesses and other money-making opportunities and though that’s not the purpose of this site you’ll see some of that here from time to time as a means to support my life and those lives who most identify with what they find here… which is the point of it all. But the thing that I find most interesting is that as BIG and as VAST in culture and ideals as this world is, in my now 47 yrs of living and 16 years operating online, only a select few will tell you the cold hard truth about their real struggle(s). What they were doing, how they might have changed it, and where they are now… Instead of just saying, “It’s All Up to You, so Go Do It.” Most of them really speak from the heart and have genuinely great things to share with their audiences, but for fear of being called Negative or Unbelieving and risking that judgment (that we’re all good at doing) for who they are and how they feel, they just leave things out. Now I’m not saying that anyone owes anyone a complete synopsis of their lives here, but if we’re gonna do it, I mean we might as well DO IT BIG, right… LOL

The one thing I will say that is special about Me and something I think helps others to identify with me is that I am a challenger, an over-thinker, I love hard, I have feelings that no one wants me to express and I experience anxiety and depression on almost a daily basis. I seek to understand motives and the mindset behind the action, so I ask questions and as a result am often labeled as being too sensitive or emotional, defensive, and an intimidator. In my mind, these don’t have to be bad qualities (as I have been made to feel, or think) just because someone so-called “more experienced” than me says they are, it just depends on your POV, which I’m not too concerned about. Because in my experience having these qualities have allowed me to be merciful, kind, and tolerant as well as strong and very mindful of not just myself but the feelings and conditions of others around me.

Truth be told, we’ve all got a battle to fight.

It is not yet clear to me how much or to what extent if at all, I can be of any help to anyone, but one thing I know is that I keep showing up. Day after day… No matter how tired or weak and broken you feel, if you are trying to change something about yourself that doesn’t want to be changed, and it seems like you just can’t shake something that feels like a burden to you, then instead of just trying to fight it, cope with it, maybe you should learn how to use it. The bottom line is, I’m glad you’re here because if you’re reading this then we have something BIG in common.

With that being said, I can almost bet you woke up today instantly rehearsing what took place yesterday. That might have been something great or not so great. Or you’ve been sitting there in your home, or on the job you loathe, behind your desk/computer saying to yourself,

“There’s just got to be more to this Life for Me… I’m tired”

Either way… It’s a very personal thing.

You may feel small and insignificant, like the grasshopper, unable to affect real change for yourself much less others. You have no real authority or consider yourself to be a real SME (subject matter expert) on anything so who would listen to you anyway. Friends and loved ones say they know you yet quickly dismiss your words and cries for help, knowing full well what it’s like when you’re searching for something, anything that could make it even a little better, all the while acting like they just don’t understand but want to hold you accountable for every action you’ve ever taken. And you would probably do much more, but again, like that grasshopper hiding in tall grass and seeing that everything appears SOOO much bigger than you are… the work of it all seems daunting and even pointless and we proceed with this mindset for the majority of our lives. I’m about to turn 48 and I’ll be the first to tell you, I’m feeling the burn y’all, FOR REAL! And I’ve counted myself out because of this stuff and have never really even tried. It’s just easier to do… (Numbers13: 23-33 Amplified)

I’m not a scholar, no fancy degrees or training of any kind. But like myself, living as another human being, another woman on this planet… You need to know that YOU MATTER & YOU ARE NOT ALONE and I (for starters) know all too well about the daily struggle you are facing. Being plagued with feelings, depression, anxiety, life issues, people, and all the JUNK that just seems to take hold of you.

You try day after day to find relief or gain some sense of peace… you talk with friends and family, pray, and cry out to God, even try counseling, and yet those things you are experiencing never cease to be a constant invasion of your heart and mind.

Until something happens, something so BIG and so painful, that it actually forces you to CHANGE YOUR MIND

It’s important for you to know that this BIG & PAINFUL thing has just NOW taken place for me and when I look back, I could probably say that these kinds of things have been happening for quite a long time and I just wasn’t wise enough or even brave enough to do anything, but it was this last straw, where I finally said, OK, I need to change MY MIND.

It’s also important to know that a few things took place at this moment:



I took a STAND


“With today’s pressure to conform, whether to protect ourselves or fit in, finding our individuality and purpose falls on our priority lists. But to stand out and succeed, we have to know who we are and where our strengths lie.” ~ Dr. Phil McGrawNationally syndicated television host and #1 New York Times bestselling author

I am here to stand with you and simply say… YOU CAN OVERCOME & It’s time to BE More! Not just because You are Loved. YES… LOVED. By Yourself, by others, and even by a God you have trouble believing in. This is evident because you can SEE & you can FEEL what’s going on in and around you! You have been given a MIND that’s all your own and you can DECIDE exactly how things can and need to be.

There may always be pain or something to work thru in life…But this is where it starts.

I invite you to join me on my journey to Becoming More Than a Conqueror… It’s all about your story.

Your Friend in Love & Life,


Get in touch

Nichole is always available for side collaborations and talks worldwide. If you want to chat about books, wine, or anything else, don’t hesitate in reaching out.


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